Archives: Baby Boomers

Empowering Baby Boomers: Building a Competitive Benefits Package

June 3, 2024 | By Cleveland Benefits Partners

A Baby Boomer is someone born between 1946 and 1964. This generation is currently between 58 and 78 years old (in 2024).  They tend to have a strong, loyal work ethic and excel at face-to-face communication and building relationships with colleagues.  Boomers have a wealth of experience accumulated over long careers. They value jobs that • Read More »

Generational Myths, Part 4: Baby Boomers

August 22, 2022 | By Cleveland Benefits Partners

Today’s offices potentially span five full generations ranging from Generation Z to the Silent Generation. A coworker could just as easily be raised with a smart phone in hand as they could have used a typewriter at their first job. Some see differences between generational colleagues as an annoyance (“kids these days!”) and many rely • Read More »