Archives: Workforce

Want to Increase Productivity? Support Working Parents

October 17, 2023 | By Cleveland Benefits Partners

As the flu and RSV season gets underway, companies are asking themselves how they can support employees who need to stay home to care for their children.  In fact, last October, 104,000 Americans missed work because of “childcare problems” – the highest total since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began tracking the figure in 2003.  • Read More »

Can HR Capitalize on Resignation Remorse?

August 23, 2022 | By Cleveland Benefits Partners

The Great Resignation has paved the way for resignation remorse, according to a number of publications. In fact, 72% of the 2,500 U.S. workers surveyed by The Muse said their new role or company was very different from what they had been led to believe. For HR leaders still dealing with a labor shortage or • Read More »

What Employees Want: On-Demand Pay

July 5, 2022 | By Cleveland Benefits Partners

Payroll works the same way in almost every full-time job.  Employees earn money by working, and they all receive their earnings on a set date: payday.  However, in an era of same-day shipping, on-demand movies, and unlimited mobile access, individuals are increasingly expecting prompt access to nearly anything they need. For employees, this also means • Read More »

Generational Myths Part 3: Gen X

June 2, 2022 | By Cleveland Benefits Partners

Today’s offices potentially span five full generations ranging from Generation Z to the Silent Generation. A coworker could just as easily be raised with a smart phone in hand as they could have used a typewriter at their first job. Some see differences between generational colleagues as an annoyance (“kids these days!”) and many rely • Read More »